segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015

How To Fix a Computer That Won't Turn On



What To Do When Your Desktop, Laptop, or Tablet Won't Start

It's an awful way to start a day... you press the power button on your computer and nothing happens. Few computer problems are more frustrating than when your computer won't boot.

There are many reasons why a computer won't turn on and often very few clues about what might be the problem. The only symptom is usually the simple fact that "nothing works" which isn't much to go on.

Add to this the fact that whatever is causing your computer not to start could be an expensive part of your PC to replace - like the motherboard or CPU.

Do not fear because all may not be lost! Here's what you need to do:

  1. Read #1 below (it'll make you feel better).
  2. Pick the best troubleshooting guide (#2 - #9) based on how your computer is acting or #10 if your PC stops at any point because of an error message.

Note: The "computer won't start" troubleshooting guides below apply to all PC devices. In other words, they'll help if your desktop or laptop won't turn on, or even if your tablet won't turn on. I'll call out any important differences along the way.

Also, all are applicable no matter what Windows operating system you have installed on your hard drive, including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7,Windows Vista, and Windows XP. Steps 1 through 5 even apply to other PC operating systems like Linux.

Frustrated man at computer - Blend Images/Hill Street Studios/Vetta/Getty Images

Blend Images/Hill Street Studios/Vetta/Getty Images

1.  Don't Panic! Your Files are Probably OK

When faced with a computer that won't start most people tend to panic, worried that all the data on their PC is gone forever.

It's true that the most common reason a computer won't start is because a piece of hardware has failed or is causing a problem but that hardware isn't usually ahard drive, the part of your computer that stores all of your files.

In other words, your music, documents, emails, and videos are probably safe - just not accessible at the moment.

So take a deep breath and try to relax. There's a good chance you can figure out exactly why your computer won't start and then get it back up and running.

Don't Want to Fix This Yourself?

See How Do I Get My Computer Fixed? for a full list of your support options, plus help with everything along the way like figuring out repair costs, getting your files off, choosing a repair service, and a whole lot more.

Photo of an Acer Aspire AZC-606-UR24 All-in-One Desktop - © Acer, Inc.

© Acer, Inc.

2.  Computer Shows No Sign of Power

Try these steps if your computer will not turn on and is showing no sign at all of receiving power - no fans running and no lights on the laptop or tablet, nor on the front of the computer's case if you're using a desktop.

Important: You may or may not see a light on the back of your desktop PC depending on the kind of power supply you have and the exact cause of the problem. This goes for the power adapter you may be using for your tablet or laptop as well.

How To Fix a Computer That Shows No Sign of Power

Note: Don't worry about the monitor yet, assuming you're using a desktop or an external display. If the computer is not turning on because of a power issue then the monitor certainly can't display anything from the computer. Your monitor light will likely be amber/yellow if your computer has stopped sending information to it. More »

Photo of an HP 18-5110 18.5-Inch All-in-One Desktop - © HP

3.  Computer Powers On... and Then Off

Follow these steps if, when you turn your computer on, it promptly powers back off.

You'll probably hear the fans inside your computer turn on, see some or all of the lights on your computer turn on or flash, and then it will all stop.

You won't see anything on the screen and you may or may not hear beeps coming from the computer before it shuts off by itself.

How To Fix a Computer That Turns On and Then Off

Note: As in the previous scenario, don't worry about the state your external monitor is in, if you have one. You may have a monitor issue as well but it's not possible to troubleshoot it quite yet. More »

Photo of a Dell UltraSharp U2412M 24-Inch LED Monitor - © Dell, Inc.

© Dell, Inc.

4.  Computer Powers On But Nothing Happens

If your computer seems to be receiving power after turning it on but you don't see anything on the screen, try these troubleshooting steps.

In these situations, the power lights will stay on, you'll likely hear the fans inside your computer running (assuming it has any), and you may or may not hear one or more beeps coming from the computer.

How To Fix a Computer That Turns On But Displays Nothing

This situation is probably the most common in my experience working with computers that won't start. Unfortunately it's also one of the most difficult to troubleshoot. More »

Photo of a Dell Inspiron i3531-1200BK Laptop - © Dell, Inc.

© Dell, Inc.

5.  Computer Stops or Continuously Reboots During the POST

Use this guide when your computer powers on, shows at least something on the screen, but then stops, freezes, or reboots over and over again during the Power On Self Test (POST).

The POST on your computer may happen in the background, behind your computer maker's logo (as shown here with the Dell laptop), or you may actually see frozen test results or other messages on the screen.

How To Fix Stopping, Freezing, and Reboot Issues During the POST

Important: Don't use this troubleshooting guide if you encounter an issue during the loading of the operating system, which occurs after the Power On Self Test is complete. Troubleshooting Windows related reasons why your computer won't turn on begin with #6 below. More »

Screnshot of a 0x5C / HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Windows 8 -

6.  Windows Begins to Load But Stops or Reboots on a BSOD

If your computer begins to load Windows but then stops and displays a blue screen with information on it then try these steps. You may or may not see the Windows splash screen before the blue screen appears.

This kind of error is called a STOP error but is more commonly referred to as aBlue Screen of Death or a BSOD. Receiving a BSOD error is a common reason why a computer won't turn on.

How To Fix Blue Screen of Death Errors

Important: Choose this troubleshooting guide even if the BSOD flashes on screen and your computer restarts automatically without giving you time to read what it says. More »


7.  Windows Begins to Load But Stops or Reboots Without an Error

Try these steps when your computer powers on, starts to load Windows, but then freezes, stops, or reboots over and over again without generating any kind of error message.

The stopping, freezing, or reboot loop may happen on the Windows splash screen (shown here) or even on a black screen, with or without a flashing cursor.

How To Fix Stopping, Freezing, and Reboot Issues During Windows Startup

Important: If you suspect that the Power On Self Test is still going on and that Windows has not yet started to boot, a better troubleshooting guide for why your computer won't turn on might be #5 above. It's a fine line and sometimes hard to tell.

Note: If your computer won't start and you see a blue screen flash or remain on the screen, you're experiencing a Blue Screen of Death and should use troubleshooting guide #6 above. More »

Screenshot of the Startup Settings menu in Windows 8 -

8.  Windows Repeatedly Returns to Startup Settings or ABO

Use this guide when nothing but the Startup Settings (Windows 8 - shown here) or Advanced Boot Options (Windows 7/Vista/XP) screen appears every time your restart your computer and none of the Windows startup options work.

In this situation, no matter which Safe Mode option you choose, your computer eventually stops, freezes, or restarts on its own, after which you find yourself right back at the Startup Settings or Advanced Boot Options menu.

How To Fix a Computer That Always Stops at Startup Settings or Advanced Boot Options

This is a particularly annoying way in which your computer won't turn on because you're trying to use Windows' built-in ways to solve your problem but you're getting nowhere with them. More »


9.  Windows Stops or Reboots On or After the Login Screen

Try this troubleshooting guide when your computer powers on, Windows shows the login screen, but then freezes, stops, or reboots here or anytime after.

How To Fix Stopping, Freezing, and Reboot Issues During Windows Login

The stopping, freezing, or reboot loop may happen on the Windows login screen, as Windows is logging you in (as shown here), or any time up to Windows fully loading. More »

NTLDR is Missing -

NTLDR is Missing.

10.  Computer Doesn't Fully Start Because of an Error Message

If your computer turns on but then stops or freezes at any point, showing an error message of any kind, then use this troubleshooting guide.

Error messages are possible at any stage during your computer's boot process, including during the POST, at any time during the loading of Windows, all the way up to the Windows desktop appearing.

How To Fix Errors Seen During the Computer Startup Process

Note: The only exception to using this troubleshooting guide for an error message is if the error is a Blue Screen of Death. See #6 above for a better troubleshooting guide for BSOD issues. More »

More "Computer Won't Turn On" Tips

Still can't get your computer to turn on? See Get More Help for information about contacting me for more help on social networks or via email, posting on tech support forums, and more.

Why Is Junk Food So Popular? Here Are Three Reasons



junk food - Dwight Eschliman/Getty Images

Dwight Eschliman/Getty Images

Updated November 01, 2014.

Question: If junk food is so bad for the body and bad quality overall, why is it so popular? You'd think no one would touch it."

Mimi -- User

Answer: That's a really good question, and I certainly can't say that I have the answer. I do have some thoughts on the subject -- and maybe one or more are correct, so here goes:

First, let me back up and define 'junk foods.' Basically, it's the stuff you eat that has little to no nutritional value, usually combined with ingredients that are bad for you, or is high in calories, when consumed in excess.

So that means candy, chips, cookies, cake, sugary soft drinks, greasy burgers, hot dogs, French fries, ice cream, and most things that served at fast food restaurants qualify as junk foods.

So why do so many people eat junk foods? Here's three possible reasons:

#1 It's Cheap

I think one big reason junk food is popular is because a lot of it is cheap to buy. I mean you can go to most any fast food restaurant and order something off a 'dollar' menu of some sort. If you have a couple of bucks in your wallet you can buy a full meal. 

Same story at the grocery store. Cheap snacks, inexpensive high-sodium and high-fat meals can be found on the shelves. Healthier foods -- like fresh fruits and vegetables -- tend to be more expensive. Those bags or cups of instant ramen noodles cost less than 50 cents, whereas an orange costs a dollar. 

Although a lot of junk food is cheap to buy up front, I think the argument can be made that cheap junk foods end up being more expensive in the long run due to their negative impact on health.

#2 It's Easy

This reason goes along with the being cheap part. Junk food is lurking in vending machines, convenience stores, and even stores that don't normally sell food items might have snacks and sodas near the cashiers. And those instant meals I already mentioned? They're easy to prepare, and you can store a bunch of them in your kitchen cabinets for a long time. 

Of course, fast foods live up to the name. You can order a fast food meal and then eat it a minute or two later. Or you can order your meal from your car to can save time by wolfing it down while you drive away.

That drive-thru thing isn't good, though. Not only is the food bad for your health, but dropped fries can accumulate in your car, under the seat. And that gets kind of gross.

#3 It's Sweet, Fatty or Salty (Or All Three)

Rarely do junk foods tempt you with delicate or complicated flavors. They pretty much hit you hard with sweet, fatty and salty flavors. I think those simple flavors might be preferred by people who are picky eaters -- it could be the slightly bitter flavor of many vegetables turns some people off, especially kids. 

But it's more than flavor. Various combinations of sugar and fat make for textures people like. Fat makes foods feel smooth and creamy, like ice cream. Starchy potato and corn chips cooked in hot oil have a satisfying crunch. That's not to say that healthy foods don't have a nice texture, but sometimes the textures of fresh fruits and vegetables take a little getting used to.

Then It Becomes a Habit

Since junk foods are easy to find, easy to make, and a lot of them just flat out taste good, consuming them becomes a habit. That's the real problem. I mean eating a candy bar now and then or snarfing down a bag of fries once in awhile isn't all that big a deal. But when junk foods make up a big part of your daily diet, then you run the risk of becoming overweight and obese, plus you're not going to get enough of the nutrients and fiber your body needs for good health.

So, next time you find yourself standing in line at a burger joint or staring at a vending machine, think about how your choice could affect your health. Then walk away and find something better.

Cientistas explicam mistério dos raros fumantes de pulmões saudáveis



James Gallagher Correspondente de Saúde, BBC News

Predisposição genética das pessoas é chave inclusive para desenvolver novos medicamentos

Por que algumas pessoas parecem ter pulmões saudáveis apesar de fumarem muito e por muitos anos? Após analisarem mais de 50 mil casos, cientistas britânicos chegaram à uma conclusão.

O estudo, feito pela equipe da agência de pesquisa do governo Medical Resarch Council, mostrou que mutações no DNA das pessoas aprimoram as funções pulmonares e mascaram o impacto mortal causado pelo cigarro.

Segundo os cientistas, a descoberta pode culminar na criação de novos medicamentos para melhorar as funções pulmonares.

No entanto, eles fizeram questão de ressaltar que não fumar será sempre é melhor opção.

Usando dados de condições de saúde e informações genéticas de voluntários, os pesquisadores analisaram problemas como a chamada doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC), que pode causar falta de ar, tosse e infecções.

Ao se comparar fumantes e não fumantes, e também pessoas com e sem DPOC, os pesquisadores descobriram trechos do DNA que reduzem o risco da doença.

Assim, fumantes com "bons genes" tinham um risco menor de desenvolver DPOC do que os que tinham "genes ruins".

Pesquisadores fizeram questão de ressaltar que não há nenhuma solução mágica que vá garantir proteção contra o tabaco

Segundo o professor da Universidade de Leicester Martin Tobin, um dos pesquisadores do estudo, os genes parecem afetar a maneira com que os pulmões crescem e respondem aos danos.

"Não há nenhuma solução mágica que garanta proteção contra o fumo. Essas pessoas ainda terão pulmões menos saudáveis do que teriam se não fumassem", disse Tobin à BBC.

"A melhor coisa que alguém pode fazer para evitar a DPOC e outras doenças relacionadas ao cigarro, como o câncer, é parar de fumar."

O hábito de fumar também aumenta o risco de doenças do coração e de vários tipos de câncer – nada disso foi analisado no estudo.

Os cientistas também descobriram parte do código genético que é mais comum em fumantes do que em não-fumantes.

Ainda é necessário mais pesquisa, mas os cientistas afirma que essa diferença parece alterar as funções cerebrais e o grau de facilidade que cada um se vicia em nicotina.

"(A descoberta) traz fantásticas novas pistas sobre como o corpo trabalha, em áreas que tínhamos pouco conhecimento antes. São descobertas que podem culminar em incríveis progressos em termos de desenvolvimento de novos remédios", afirmou Tobin.

O estudo foi apresentando em um encontro da European Respiratory Society e publicado na revista científica Lancet Respiratory Medicine.

O chefe de pesquisas da British Lung Foundation, Ian Jarrold, afirmou à BBC: "Essa descoberta representa um passo significativo para obtermos uma visão mais clara sobre o fascinante e intrincado funcionamento dos pulmões."

"Entender a predisposição genética é essencial não apenas para nos ajudar a desenvolver novos tratamentos para pessoas com doenças no pulmão, mas também nos ensina sobre como pessoas saudáveis podem cuidar melhor de seus pulmões."

Well, Hello There



polar-bears-waving-alaska_91574_990x742 (1)

Aug 23, 2015

Photograph by Laura Keene, National Geographic Your Shot

“It was a surreal experience to be in the presence of these magnificent creatures,” writes Your Shot member Laura Keene of photographing this seemingly approachable pair of bears in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Keene says they stood and appeared to wave in greeting when a nearby pair of cubs captured their attention. Polar bears, she says, “congregate on the barrier islands off Kaktovik in northern Alaska every fall to partake of leftovers from Inupiat whaling [activity] before the Beaufort Sea freezes and they move on to hunt seal.”