domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

Category: 10 Foods That Every Arthritis Patient Should Avoid


Even though there isn’t a diet that everyone and anyone should eat, there are foods that every arthritis patient should consider avoiding for good reasons. What are those good reasons and what are the foods? Can avoiding these foods help decrease arthritis symptoms?
First of all, you should know the main reasons why some foods could be bad for those suffering from arthritis.
5 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Certain Foods Here’s a list of some of those reasons:
1.      The food causes inflammation in the body.
More inflammation in the body means that inflammation is headed for your joints.
2.      The food is high in advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs).
AGEs are small molecular substances that may be fragments cleaved off from foods that are carmelized, heated to very high temperatures or processed.  The AGEs act as little time bombs setting up joint degeneration once these “bombs” reach your joints after circulating in the bloodstream. The AGEs are also responsible for diabetes, cancer, neurological decline and heart disease.
3.      The food can result in calcium being depleted from the bones.
If a food causes an acidic reaction in the body, the overall effect will be to pull the calcium out of your bones, leaving bones weakened.
4.      The food slows down immune system functions in the body.
Some foods will actually slow down the ability of white blood cells to engulf foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause disease. This incapacitates your immune system, giving the microbes the edge. Some microbes go straight to the joints to damage them.
5.      The food causes high blood sugar and an insulin reaction, which packs on the pounds.
Without an ideal body weight, you’ll have extra wear and tear on joints such as your spine, hips, knees, and those in your feet.
Some foods might cause all of these to occur in the body!
10 Foods to Stop Eating if You Have Arthritis Let’s examine some foods now and see what types of effects they could have on your body.

  1. Boxed cereals and packaged goods

These are high in AGEs and can cause inflammation. They are often devoid of nutrients which can cause an acidic reaction, weakening your bones. And many will contribute to packing on the pounds. If high in sugar, these foods will also slow down immune system function.

  1. High sugar drinks

These attack your joints by all five methods.

  1. Diet drinks

These “foods” may not cause high blood sugar but they often will cause an insulin reaction which packs on the pounds. Some diet sweeteners are also linked with inflammation.

  1. Carbonated beverages

The process of carbonation could add excess phosphorus to the beverage, which depletes calcium from your bones.

  1. Foods that cause you to be constipated such as cheese

Dairy products are good nutritious foods if your body can handle them. However, many people suffer from constipation from cheese, or other digestive system upsets. Whenever you have constipation, you have waste products that are trying to escape the body. They may enter the bloodstream – and end up lodged in your joints, causing increased symptoms.

  1. High sugar electrolyte replacement formulas

These attack your joints by all five methods.

  1. Rice cakes

These seemingly harmless cakes may taste good with peanut butter on them, but they are lethal to your joints. Their ability to increase blood sugar and insulin levels is more than equal to a big dose of straight sugar. Stay away from them.

  1. Jasmine rice

Jasmine rice is similar to rice cakes, raising blood sugar and insulin levels to the same levels of a big dose of sugar.

  1. Caffeinated beverages

Coffee and caffeinated beverages may produce an acidic reaction in the body, leaching calcium from bones and weakening them.

  1. Hot dogs

These ballgame essentials need to be revisited. Heavy processing gives them one of the highest levels of AGEs any food can have. Not good.
Don’t let the list overwhelm you. If you’re consuming 8 or more of these foods now, eliminate them one by one over the next few months. Discover how much better your joints feel!

Category- 10 Foods That Every Arthritis Patient Should Avoid - Natural Health Care 2014-04-20 18-48-58

Warburg stated :



She held a Ph.D. in Natural Science, with emphasis in chemistry and physics, and was also formally trained as a physician, botanist, and biologist.  On seven different occasions she was nominated by her peers to receive a Nobel Prize.
Dr. Budwig was familiar with the work of 1931 Nobel laureate Otto Warburg who demonstrated that, unlike normal cells which receive their energy from oxygen gas, the energy that maintains
cancer cells is derived principally from the fermentation of glucose.

Warburg stated:

“Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes.  But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause.  Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar [glucose] … all cancer cells without exception must ferment, and no normal growing cell ought to exist that ferments in the body.”

Warburg’s work never fully postulated the cause(s) of this reversion of cancer cells to the more primitive anaerobic state. He did, however, theorize that he could raise the oxygen levels in anaerobic cells through the consumption of saturated fats. Pursuing this reasoning, he unsuccessfully attempted to increase oxygen transfer into cancer cells using the saturated fat butyric acid (which Budwig later determined was not sufficiently energetic to effect oxygen transport). Building on Warburg’s work, 1937 Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi demonstrated that essential fatty acids (EFAs), combined with sulphur-rich proteins, are able to increase cellular oxygenation.
Budwig understood that cancer cells revert to the more primitive fermentation of glucose because they are deprived of oxygen to the extent they must find another source of energy in order to survive.  One of her greatest contributions is the discovery of the reason this oxygen deprivation and subsequent reversion occurs. Simply stated, the anaerobic environment that spawns the proliferation of cancer is caused by the lack of sufficient omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in the diet, as well as the overconsumption of modern foods containing unhealthy forms of fats and oils, according to Budwig.
Essential fatty acids are so labeled because they are essential for life and cannot be manufactured by the body. Consequently, they must be supplied through the diet.  If these health-providing fatty acids aren’t consumed in sufficient amounts, physical processes within the cells degrade to the more primitive form of energy production – fermentation of glucose within a poorly oxygenated environment.  Also, and equally important, is the fact that the modern-day overconsumption of unhealthy forms of fats and oils so prevalent in today’s processed foods, competes with the uptake and use of healthy EFAs, further limiting their availability.
Based on her own extensive research over many decades, as well as probable knowledge of Szent-Györgyi’s findings regarding the use of essential fatty acids combined with sulphur-rich proteins to raise cellular energy levels, Dr. Budwig pioneered a protocol for cancer prevention and treatment based on the use of small amounts of flaxseed (linseed) oil combined with a rich supply of sulphur-based proteins.  She recommended using organic cottage cheese as the best sources of sulphur-based protein.
Flax oil is one of the richest sources of the EFAs omega-3s and -6s, and cottage cheese is perhaps the most convenient, richest source of sulphur-based protein.

Cottage Cheese and Spoonful Lifting

Budwig found that neither ingredient alone is effective in either the prevention or treatment of disease.  The flax oil must be “activated” by thoroughly mixing it with the cottage cheese in an electric blender at a ratio ranging from 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil per ¼ cup of organic low fat cottage cheese, to 3-4 tablespoons flax oil per ½ cup cottage cheese, depending on the severity of illness – taken on a daily basis.  Other ingredients such as fruit and honey may be added to taste.
For those who are lactose intolerant or simply want to avoid animal-derived foods, alternatives to cottage cheese can be found in the references below.  One possibility is the product by Nature’s Distributors, an Arizona-based company that claims one capsule of the dried, sulphurated protein in Companion Nutrients can activate the EFAs in one tablespoon of flaxseed oil.  Because the precise cancer treatment is so critical, Companion Nutrients might best be used in addition to but not as a substitute for cottage cheese.
As amazing as it may sound to some – especially to oncologists who practice traditional forms of cancer therapy, not to mention the unsuspecting and naive public who have observed for decades the many twists and turns of the War On Cancer – the use of these two inexpensive (and unpatentable) food substances provides a powerful and effective means of treating even the most advanced cancers.
According to Dr. Budwig, “… 99% of the sick that come to see me … are cancer patients who have had operations and
radiation sessions, and were diagnosed as being far too advanced for another operation to be of any help.  Even in these cases health can be restored, usually within a few months, I would say in 90% of cases.”

Nature Blows My Mind! Macro photos show jewel-like details of butterfly wings


Linden Gledhill

Butterfly wings are one of nature's wonders -- their colours inspire artists, their iridescence even prompting scientists to improve anti-counterfeiting technology and holographic solar panels through biomimicry.

But it's not often that we can see them up close, and under a macro photo lens, butterfly wings are even more breathtakingly beautiful. Seen over at This Is Colossal, photographer Linden Gledhill brings us further into the wonderful world of butterflies by zooming in 7X to 17X of life-size with a "fully automated macro focusing rail", saying:

[I am] a biochemist by training, working for a large international pharmaceutical company developing biopharmaceuticals (protein molecules) to treat cancer and diabetes.

I’m completely enchanted by the physical world around me and obsessed by its natural beauty. My career in science has magnified this feeling of awe. For me, photography is a way to capture this physical beauty and to pass this feeling on to others.


Many of the images look almost jewel-like, brimming with a rainbow pattern of changing colours.

Gledhill's photos give us a deeper insight into the awesome characteristics of butterflies, with these wings seeming like nature's way of capturing light and transforming it into all possible hues. Let's remember that some of these enchanting butterflies are now endangered; and see many more of Linden Gledhill's images here.

Beautiful New Brammo Empulse Electric Motorcycle Finally Unveiled! _ TreeHugger - Mozilla Firefox 2014-03-03 13.40.46

Anel inteligente ajuda cegos a ler textos impressos; conheça o projeto


Nos laboratórios de mídia do MIT (Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts), pesquisadores como Roy Shilkrot e Jochen Huber estão trabalhando num dispositivo chamado “FingerReader”, um anel inteligente que se encaixa ao redor do dedo e lê textos em voz alta, graças a uma câmera acoplada e modificação de softwares open source.

FingerReader é um projeto em desenvolvimento que lê textos em voz alta

"FingerReader" é um projeto em desenvolvimento que lê textos em voz alta (Foto: Reprodução/MIT)

Para ouvir as palavras em voz alta basta passar o dedo por uma linha de texto e uma voz com tons metálicos irá dizê-las com um bom volume. Entretanto, não é qualquer texto que O “FingerReader” consegue ler. Por exemplo, aqueles textos de caixa de remédio são pequenos de mais ainda; a fonte mínima é a de tamanho doze.

Sobre a voz, os pesquisadores ainda estão buscando melhorias, pois as vezes ela trava bastante, além de estar longe de possuir uma dicção perfeita. O peso é um ponto a favor, pois o dispositivo é feito de plástico e não pesa mais que um anel normal. Assista ao vídeo que mostra o projeto em funcionamento.

FingerReader mostra sistema em funcionamento (Foto: Reprodução/Vimeo)

FingerReader mostra sistema em funcionamento (Foto: Reprodução/Vimeo)

Em uma entrevista, o Ph.D Roy Shilkrot disse que não imagina que versão final do projeto seja direcionada apenas para pessoas com dificuldade de visão, indo além,  viabilizando um cenário onde o dispositivo traduza as palavras em texto real. Shilkrot afirmou que era interessante notar que pessoas com deficiências na visão preferiam utilizar um dispositivo que não fora feito exclusivamente para eles, pois assim se sentiriam mais incluídos na sociedade como um todo.

Outra motivação aponta também para um estudo feito em 2007 pelo Instituto Nacional para os Cegos, na Inglaterra, afirmando que apenas 7% dos livros estão disponíveis em letras grandes, áudio e braille integral, incluindo eBooks. Com o advento do “FingerReader”, seria possível aos deficientes lerem esse conhecimento outrora inacessível.

Sistema faz anel vibrar no início e ao fim das linhas do texto  (Foto: Reprodução/Vimeo)

Sistema faz anel vibrar no início e ao fim das linhas do texto (Foto: Reprodução/Vimeo)

Embora ainda não haja nenhum plano para levar o gadget ao mercado, Shilkrot está ciente dos custos para a produção do dispositivo. “Ainda não podemos dizer quanto vai custar o FingerReader, pois a tecnologia envolvida no projeto ainda está em evolução, ainda não temos preços definidos".


A partir de maio, Windows 8.1 sem Update estará vulnerável a ataques - Notícias - TechTudo 2014-04-16 08-58-17

Como desentupir um cartucho de impressora? Conheça soluções e os riscos


Os cartuchos de impressoras podem ficar entupidos por vários motivos, um deles é a falta de utilização por algumas semanas ou meses. Isso acontece graças ao ressecamento da tinta nos bocais, que impede que a coloração passe para o papel. No entanto, é possível encontrar diversos métodos caseiros para corrigir essas falhas com produtos simples do dia a dia.
Como saber se um cartucho de impressora está queimado
Para te ajudar a encontrar a melhor solução, o TechTudo traz alguns deles e também as recomendações das fabricantes sobre o que fazer em caso de entupimento de cartucho.

Aprenda a desentupir cartuchos de impressora (Foto: Luciana Maline/TechTudo)

Aprenda a desentupir cartuchos de impressora (Foto: Luciana Maline/TechTudo)

Recomendações dos fabricantes

Antes de tomar qualquer qualquer medida, certifique-se de que seu cartucho está realmente entupido e não vazio. Normalmente, as impressoras mais modernas trazem o nível de tinta indicado no visor do próprio equipamento, caso possua, ou no programa de suporte instalado no computador. Se tiver certeza de que o componente está carregado, execute uma impressão e verifique se ela apresenta um resultado uniforme.

Segundo o expert em suprimentos de impressão da HP, Thom Brown, os cartuchos de impressão são projetados para serem duráveis, mesmo quando a impressora não é utilizada por várias semanas. No entanto, o equipamento pode exigir manutenção para funcionar melhor. “Se um usuário vê pequenas manchas de tinta em uma página (através da formação de faixas), o procedimento recomendado é executar a limpeza ou manutenção da impressora”, recomenda.

Cartucho é projetado para ser durável, mas precisa de manutenção para funcionar melhor (Foto: Luciana Maline/TechTudo)

Cartuchos podem ficar entupidos após longo período de uso (Foto: Luciana Maline/TechTudo)

A maioria das impressoras modernas traz serviços de calibração e limpeza de cartuchos de impressão. A localização do recurso pode variar de acordo com a marca, o modelo ou a versão do driver instalada no seu PC. Sendo assim, consulte antes o manual de instruções da sua impressora. Caso não o tenha, você pode procurar suporte para a sua HP ou para seu equipamento Epson no site da fabricante.

O uso dos métodos caseiros para o desentupimento do cartucho de impressão, segundo Thom Brown, não é recomendado pela HP. O especialista afirma ter ciência de que alguns usuários conseguem ser bem sucedidos ao utilizar panos sem fiapos, água destilada ou solução de limpeza. No entanto, ele alerta que os riscos são grandes.

“Remover o cartucho e utilizar soluções caseiras poderia facilmente danificar a delicada cabeça de impressão. Atente-se que o conector é igual a um chip de computador. Você pode causar mais estragos do que bem”, recomendou Brown.

Há ainda algo importante que o usuário deve verificar caso os cartuchos sejam novos: a garantia do produto. Sendo assim, veja quanto tempo o fabricante do componente oferece de cobertura em casos de mau funcionamento e quais os problemas cobertos. A HP alertou que a garantia da empresa não cobre produtos vazios, recarregados e que tenham sido adulterados ou usados indevidamente.

Métodos caseiros

Métodos caseiros devem ser executados com cuidado para não danificar cartuchos ou impressoras (Foto: Luciana Maline/TechTudo)

Métodos caseiros devem ser executados com cuidado para não danificar cartuchos ou impressoras (Foto: Luciana Maline/TechTudo)

Se o usuário não conseguiu sucesso ao seguir os procedimentos dos fabricantes e pretende tentar resolver o problema em casa, há alguns métodos bem simples que podem ajudar. A maior parte deles utiliza produtos caseiros facilmente encontrados na Internet ou em lojas especializadas. Confira a lista:

- Pré-umectação (não recomendado para cartuchos Epson)

Materiais necessários:1 vasilha, guardanapos e solução de limpeza.

Este método consiste em colocar o cartucho em contato com uma solução de limpeza, facilmente encontrada na Internet ou em lojas especializadas. Para começar, forre o fundo da vasilha com o guardanapo e o umedeça com a solução de limpeza. Em seguida coloque o cartucho com o bocal (parte inferior) em contato com o papel umedecido e aguarde até que a tinta comece a vazar, apresentando manchas no guardanapo. O processo pode durar até três horas. Para certificar-se de que está tudo certo, passe o bocal do cartucho em um guardanapo seco e veja se ficou um rastro uniforme de tinta. Se sim, limpe bem os conectores e coloque o cartucho de volta na impressora.

- Gotejamento (não recomendado para cartuchos Epson)

Materiais necessários:conta-gotas, guardanapos e solução de limpeza

Coloque o cartucho sobre uma superfície com os bocais virados para cima. Em seguida, utilize o conta-gotas para pingar três vezes sobre o bocal do cartucho. Aguarde algum tempo e passe o cartucho em um guardanapo seco para verificar o desentupimento. Se o cartucho deixar um rastro de tinta uniforme no papel, está tudo certo. Caso contrário, você pode tentar repetir o procedimento. Lembre-se de limpar bem a parte metálica antes de colocar o cartucho novamente na impressora.

Cartucho exige manutenção para funcionar melhor (Foto: Luciana Maline/TechTudo)

O produto exige manutenção para funcionar melhor (Foto: Luciana Maline/TechTudo)

- Mergulho em água quente

Materiais necessários:vasilha, água deionizada (disponível em farmácias) e guardanapos

Coloque cerca de dois dedos de água deionizada na vasilha, o suficiente para cobrir a cabeça de impressão do cartucho. Em seguida, aqueça a água por um minuto no microondas. O líquido não deve estar fervendo, apenas aquecido, caso contrário poderá danificar o cartucho. Após se certificar, coloque o componente na vasilha com água e aguarde até que a tinta comece a vazar. Retire o cartucho do recipiente e faça o teste com um guardanapo de papel, lembrando-se de secá-lo bem.

- Higienizador a vapor

Materiais necessários: higienizador a vapor e guardanapos

Este método exige um pouco mais de cuidado, já que utiliza o vapor quente de equipamentos muito comuns de limpeza doméstica. Ligue o higienizador e o coloque a cerca de três centímetros do bocal do cartucho, nunca em uma distância menor do que essa. O processo é bem rápido. Quando perceber o vapor soltando tinta do cartucho, faça o teste com o guardanapo seco. Novamente, seque bem o produto antes de colocar na impressora.


Saiba o que fazer se você esquecer a senha do Windows 8.1; veja dicas - Dicas e Tutoriais - TechTudo 2014-04-15 09-56-03

Google explica como chegou ao design no Glass e mostra protótipos


O Google resolveu aproximar mais seu público do processo evolutivo no visual do Glass. Em vídeo divulgado nesta quarta-feira (16), a designer-chefe dos óculos inteligentes, Isabelle Olsson, mostra os vários protótipos do gadget até chegar ao aspecto atual.

Confira um relato sobre os primeiros passos com o Google Glass

A designer conta que ficou assustada com o desafio de transformar uma "engenhoca desengonçada" em algo bonito e confortável. “Para mim, a coisa mais importante foi pensar em como nós podíamos reduzir [o projeto] ao que é realmente essencial, e tudo o que não era necessário ir embora”, explica Isabelle.

Uma de suas maiores preocupações era que o device pesasse menos de 65 gramas. E o objetivo foi alcançado: o último protótipo pesa 43 gramas, aproximadamente três vezes menos que o Nexus.


Um dos estágios intermediários do Google Glass (Foto: Divulgação/Google)

Será que o óculos do Google vai pegar? Comente no Fórum do TechTudo

Não foram revelados detalhes sobre as próximas etapas do Google Glass, mas é possível que as novidades sejam anunciadas na Google I/O 2014. A conferência anual, que acontecerá em junho, em São Francisco, é justamente onde desenvolvedores expõem os principais projetos da companhia.

Além do dispositivo wearalble, uma das grandes expectativas é o anúncio Android 5.0, que deverá ter o Google Now melhorado para proporcionar uma experiência ainda mais individual ao usuário. No entanto, é possível que a mudança no sistema operacional seja mais modesta e que apenas haja uma atualização para a versão 4.5.

Também é aguardado o novo tablet Nexus 8, trazendo tela de oito polegadas; atualização dos recursos do Chromecast; novos Chromebooks e mais funções para seu sistema, o Chrome OS.

A partir de maio, Windows 8.1 sem Update estará vulnerável a ataques - Notícias - TechTudo 2014-04-16 08-58-17


(Na minha opinião, o design final do GG ficaria mais estético com as duas hastes da mesma largura.)

Physics Week in Review: April 19, 2014


By Jennifer Ouellette | April 19, 2014 |  


This week fans of the night sky and space exploration celebrated the Birth of Human Spaceflight, with Yuri’s Night. Related (kinda): “You can’t take the sky from me.” The First Instagram From Space Is Of An Astronaut In A Firefly T-Shirt.

In honor of the Easter holiday, What Happens When You Throw a Peep Out an Airlock? Because inquiring minds need to know!

Star gazers flocked to Griffith Park to see the “blood moon” and total lunar eclipse earlier this week, and some might fine photos were taken of this celestial event, thanks to the perfect alignment of sun, Earth and moon, also known as a syzygy.  Of course, this was just the first in an eclipse tetrad; there’s more to come. will put on the best show?

New precise measurements of the mass of the top quark bring back the question: Is our universe inherently unstable?


Best. Animated. GIF. Ever. (h/t: Joe Hanson) Source:

If you missed the latest episode of Cosmos, you can read my recap in the Los Angeles Times: “Deeper and deeper still.” It included one of favorite physics demonstrations, which made for the Best Animated GIF Ever (right; click on image to get the full effect). Once again, not everyone was happy. For instance, here’s What Cosmos Got Wrong About Thales of Miletus, the World’s First Scientist.

Interesting bit of historical trivia: Before the Neil deGrasse Tyson version and update of Carl Sagan’s landmark television series, Cosmos, there was Alexander von Humboldt, and his enormously influential book of the same title (Kosmos), printed in 1845-1862. Bonus: Remember when Creationists got all in a tizzy, demanding “equal time” on the show? Funny Or Die obliged with Creationist Cosmos: “The answer is — God did it!”

Mystery object in Saturn’s ring may be a new baby moon: Peggy.

Time’s Arrow Traced to Quantum Source: Cups of coffee cool, buildings crumble, because of quantum “entanglement.”

How Mathematicians Used A Pump-Action Shotgun to Estimate Pi.

The Vulgar Mechanic and His Magical Oven – A Renaissance alchemist pioneers feedback control.

This Stellar Fusion Game sets you the task of nucleosynthesis, building hydrogen into iron.

Reality’s Never-Ending Story: quantum version of natural selection could enable universe to write itself into being.

Invoking dark matter as a means to explain the excess of positrons observed last year by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) experiment might not be necessary, according to physicists in Europe. Instead, they say, the entire dataset can be explained purely in terms of known astrophysical processes such as pulsars and cosmic rays.

Check out this new documentary, “LIGO, A Passion for Understanding,” which follows scientists hunting for gravitational waves with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory.

The Mystery of Insect Flight: “NYU professor Leif Ristroph has a lot of projects exploring flapping flight on smaller scales…”

The Astro Alphabet: Every letter holds a special story. “L is for Libration, which makes our moon rock.”

Cosmic slurp: Researchers use supercomputers to understand and predict signs of black holes swallowing stars.

Talking quantum mechanics with second graders: “Can I be a quantum physicist, or is it only for the boys?”

According to a new simulation of bird flock hitting a wall: it’s more like a “crack” than a “splat.”

String Experiment: Capillary Action is Complicated, even in a simple cup of tea.

We have a new exoplanet: Meet Kepler-186f! Almost-Earth Tantalizes Astronomers With Promise of Worlds to Come.

Vitruvian Geology – Leonardo da Vinci and the Realistic Depiction of the Earth’s Surface.

How the Sun *really* shines: the basics of nuclear fusion.

Until last Monday, only two types of hadron were known, but CERN’s LHCb experiment just proved there is a third way.

Ten things you might not know about particle accelerators, e.g. a ferret that once cleaned accelerator components.

Cherry Blossom Grown from Space Seeds Makes for an Amazing Tale.

Finally, A Way To Harvest Hydroelectric Energy From Toilet Flushes.

Check out The New Rainbow Particles (made from “rare earth upconverting nanocrystals”) That Will End Counterfeiting Forever — okay, maybe not forever. But they’ll certainly help.

Speaking of materials, here are five wonder materials that could change the world. “Materials such as graphene and shrilk are so new that the scientists who discovered them hardly know what to do with them – they only know they might yet transform our lives.”

Stadium Acoustics Pump Up the Volume: At sports venues designed to maximize crowd atmosphere, beware of hearing loss.

Why nobody can tell whether the world’s biggest quantum computer is a quantum computer.  Related: Robert Redford 1992 film, Sneakers, foretold Shor’s quantum computing bombshell.  “In real life progress is usually slower than in movies.”

Five Thirty Eight Breaks Down the Statistics of Bob Ross Paintings. 91 percent featured at least one “happy tree.”

Credit: Piotr Jabłoński,

Tomcat Brothers: Piotr Jabłoński: the illustrated adventures of two small brothers in futuristic space helmets who explore the world with a feline pal, a giant cat mural that follows them everywhere, provided there’s a wall.

Max Tegmark weighed in at the New York Times with a few comments on the Higgs boson and the BICEP2 results: the latter brought us “back to basics,” agreeing beautifully with the simplest models. Richard Easther also had some thoughts a month after the big announcement. Related: Star dust casts doubt on whether we really did detect gravitational waves left over from the big bang.

Why We Should Care About the Origins of the Universe – “any step closer to figuring out the world’s beginnings is a step toward understanding ourselves.”

Meet the Brothers Chudnovsky. “Watch how two brilliant and eccentric Russian number theorists, the Chudnovsky brothers, tackle a math problem so large it draws comparisons to analyzing the human genome. The problem involves stitching together fractured images of one of the most beautiful and complex works of art to survive from the Middle Ages—seven famous tapestries known as ‘The Hunt of the Unicorn’ housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The brothers attempt to solve the visual puzzle using a home-made supercomputer built with parts from Home Depot.”

Out of the Deep Freeze: Captain America, the Winter Soldier and the Wood Frog.

CSI: Insect Edition explores why thermodynamics matters: “the forensic equations used to calculate time of death don’t factor in maggot heat.”  Continuing a theme, we also have CSI: Westeros, with [SPOILERS!] the Chemistry of The Strangler: “a poison made from a plant – plus sugar, spice, & everything not-so-nice.”

Rare Audio: Albert Einstein explains “Why I am an American” on the day he passed his US citizenship test in 1940.

When Nature Speaks, Who Are You Hearing? Adam Frank’s meditation on sacredness. “In the end, what we have is a conversation, a lifelong dialogue with life. It’s a conversation expressed not in words but in the immediacy of experience and the poetry of the one, single now. And that is exactly where the experience of sacredness lives.”

MIT Wants to Mass Produce These Floating Nuclear Reactors.

The Quantum Physics of Harry Potter (video), featuring physicist Krister Shalm and magician Dan Trommater

Material limitations hamper quest for space elevator. Apparently there’s no known material strong enough to extend a cable all the way from earth into near-earth orbit. Bummer.

Ibn al-Haytham: The Muslim Scientist Who Birthed the Scientific Method.

Astronomers: ‘Tilt-a-worlds’ could harbor life. A fluctuating tilt in a planet’s orbit sometimes helps.

Jupiter’s Radio Emissions Could Reveal the Oceans on Its Icy Moons, Say Planetary Geologists. We should be able to use them like ground-penetrating radar to study the oceans on Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.

What’s The Purpose Of The Universe? Here’s One Possible Answer.

The Problem of Now: “The origin of the problem is not in the mathematics, but in the failure to distinguish subjective experience of physical existence from objective truth.”

Wee math in Portland, OR: What, approximately, is the percentage of human wee in water supply, both before and after the wee was added to reservoir?

Microrobots Work Together to Build with Metal, Glass and Electronic Components.

Fun with Augmented Reality: This Futuristic Sandbox Lets You Build Erupting Volcanoes and Flowing Rivers.

Beating the Odds: Are Goats Better Gamers than Sheep at the Shell Game?

“The authors of a recent PLOS ONE article updated this age-old game to find out whether goats and sheep, given information upfront about which cup the food was (or was not) under, could find the food again once the cups were replaced. The ability to connect an experience with an imagined result (“If I see that the cup is empty, the other must have the food!”) is called inferential reasoning, and has been tested in dogs, primates, and birds.”

The perils of time travel: All The Ways You Can Screw Up Your Own Timeline. Related: Action Bill, A LEGO Stop-Motion Short Film About William Shatner Traveling Back in Time to Kill William Shakespeare.

Losing My Math: on fluid intelligence loss and the crystallized intelligence that comes with experience.

Escape Velocity, A Giant Animatronic Astronaut, was a highlight to those attending Coachella music festival this year.

Using strong lasers, investigators observe frenzy of electrons in a new material just one atom thick.

The WORST thing for someone to try to do after a nuclear explosion is to get in a car and drive away.

Starfish glue reveals its secrets under the microscope: Temporary adhesive holds promise for surgery and tissue engineering.  …

Image gallery: The Coolest Spaceships Ever Made, Compared by Size.

A Glow-in-the-Dark Highway – Energy-trapping paint is bringing a Tron-like aesthetic to the roads of the Netherlands. Related: Three giant mirrors on a mountain reflect sunlight onto a small Norwegian town that gets little of it in the winter.

Credit: Gary Drostle,

Artist Gary Drostle harnesses interference patterns of visible light passing thru water to create fish pond mosaics. Per io9:

“The bright white circles and curves, and the correspondingly darker shadows, trace the constructive interference of the water waves. Where the crests align with crests or troughs with troughs, these higher amplitude waves create more extreme concave or convex surfaces. The water waves act as lenses that refract the light more severely into patterns of sharper contrast. Destructive interference, where crests and troughs cancel out, leave patches of stillness on the water, allowing light to pass through without focusing or divergence.”

Raman spectroscopy bites into tooth decay: Mineral distribution signals discriminate healthy enamel from cavities.

Anxiety, Mathematics, and Words of Kindness. “When we teach math, we organize things for clarity. Unfortunately, this creates the illusion that there’s always an obvious, linear progression of concepts. It hides the messy truth of how the knowledge was actually acquired: through many twists and turns in a process of creative exploration. And, as you progress in mathematics, you have to bring more and more creativity to bear. This has many implications, but the most germane is that it’s very difficult to be creative when you’re in a state of panic.”

Fraud, Failure, and Frustration: This Is the Story of America’s First Energy Transition.

Pluto May Have Deep Seas and Ancient Tectonic Faults. Related: Fluid Mystery: How Did Mars Ever Have Liquid Water?

Brookhaven Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider: The second-largest particle collider is the underdog of experimental physics.

Physics Professor’s Picture Book Aims to Spark Interest in Science Among Youth.

Flow patterns can change dramatically as fluid speed and Reynolds number increase.

An Inside Look at NASA’s Deep Space Network, which celebrates 50 years of operation this year.

Lessons of Immortality and Mortality From Carl Sagan, a moving essay by his daughter Sasha.

Changing phases: Q&A with John Goodby, who has has discovered new forms of matter and invented new materials.

“Pyro-Board” is a planar take on the Rubens’ tube that can turn music into patterned, leaping flicks of fire.


A Happy Life May not be a Meaningful Life - Scientific American - Mozilla Firefox 2014-02-19 18.42.38

Ser optimista reduce el riesgo de insuficiencia cardíaca


5 alimentos que te ponen de buen humor
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Ver la vida desde un prisma positivo no solo nos hace ser más felices y apreciar mejor las cosas que tenemos, sino que también nos hace estar más sanos.

Un equipo de científicos del departamento de Psicología de las universidades de Michigan y Harvard (EEUU) ha concluido que tener un alto nivel de optimismo en la vida aumenta la esperanza de vida en los pacientes de 50 años o más con enfermedades relacionadas con el corazón.

El estudio, publicado en la revista Circulation : Heart Failure, se basó en el análisis de 6.808 adultos de mediana edad. Examinaron sus antecedentes, historial médico, así como datos psicológicos. El seguimiento de los participantes se produjo durante un período de 4 años; tras este período, los investigadores descubrieron que las personas con mayores niveles de optimismo tenían un 73% menos de riesgo de sufrir insuficiencia cardíaca, en comparación con los que se mostraron con una actitud más pesimista.

Los expertos creen que ver el vaso medio lleno provoca que las personas adopten estilos de vida más saludables, como seguir una dieta equilibrada, hacer más ejercicio y gestionar de una forma más eficiente el estrés del día a día, circunstancias que a todas luces ayudan a estar más sanos, por dentro y por fuera.


La velocidad de rendimiento cognitivo entra en declive a partir de los 24 años 2014-04-15 07-47-07

'Veggie' Experiment Launching to Station Aboard SpaceX Cargo Craft



The International Space Station's Vegetable Production System

The International Space Station's Vegetable Production System ("Veggie") experiment is on display in the News Center at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Veggie is a new investigation with "edible results" heading to the space station. Veggie is a deployable plant growth unit capable of producing salad-type crops to provide the crew with appetizing, nutritious and safe fresh food and support crew relaxation and recreation. It will serve as a new space station facility as well and will provide a venue for future plant growth research.

To the right of the Veggie experiment is a model of the Space Launch System (SLS), the nation's next heavy-lift launch vehicle. NASA is developing the SLS and Orion spacecraft to provide an entirely new capability for human exploration beyond low-Earth orbit, with the flexibility to launch spacecraft for crew and cargo missions, including to an asteroid and Mars.

The Veggie experiment is aboard SpaceX's Dragon cargo spacecraft, scheduled to launch atop a Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. at 4:58 p.m. EDT on Monday, April 14, 2014. The SpaceX-3 mission is carrying almost 2.5 tons of supplies, technology and science experiments and is the third of 12 flights contracted by NASA to resupply the orbiting laboratory.





Generic Name: acyclovir

What is acyclovir?

Acyclovir is an antiviral drug. It slows the growth and spread of the herpes virus so that the body can fight off the infection. Acyclovir will not cure herpes, but it can lessen the symptoms of the infection.

Acyclovir is used to treat infections caused by herpes viruses. Illnesses caused by herpes viruses include genital herpes, cold sores, shingles, and chicken pox.

Acyclovir may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.


Important information

Take acyclovir for the entire length of time prescribed by your doctor. Your symptoms may get better before the infection is completely treated.

Treatment with acyclovir should be started as soon as possible after the first appearance of symptoms (such as tingling, burning, blisters).


2013 Drug News Round-Up: Top 20 Stories

Herpes infections are contagious and you can infect other people, even while you are being treated with acyclovir. Avoid letting infected areas come into contact with other people. Avoid touching an infected area and then touching your eyes. Wash your hands frequently to prevent passing the infection to others.


Before taking this medicine

Do not take this medicine if you are allergic to acyclovir or valacyclovir (Valtrex). Before taking acyclovir, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have kidney disease. You may need a dosage adjustment or special tests during treatment.

FDA pregnancy category B. Acyclovir is not expected to be harmful to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment. Herpes virus can be passed from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth. If you have genital herpes, it is very important to prevent herpes lesions during your pregnancy so that you do not have a genital lesion when your baby is born. Acyclovir passes into breast milk and may harm a nursing infant. Do not take this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.

See also: Pregnancy and breastfeeding warnings (in more detail)


How should I take acyclovir?

Take acyclovir exactly as it was prescribed for you. Do not take the medication in larger amounts, or take it for longer than recommended by your doctor. Follow the directions on your prescription label.

Treatment with acyclovir should be started as soon as possible after the first appearance of symptoms (such as tingling, burning, blisters).

Take each dose with a full glass of water. Drink plenty of water while you are taking acyclovir to keep your kidneys working properly.

Acyclovir can be taken with or without food. Taking acyclovir with food may decrease stomach upset.

Shake the oral suspension (liquid) well just before you measure a dose. To be sure you get the correct dose, measure the liquid with a marked measuring spoon or medicine cup, not with a regular table spoon. If you do not have a dose-measuring device, ask your pharmacist for one. Take acyclovir for the entire length of time prescribed by your doctor. Your symptoms may get better before the infection is completely treated. Acyclovir will not treat a viral infection such as the common cold or flu.

Lesions caused by herpes viruses should be kept as clean and dry as possible. Wearing loose clothing may help to prevent irritation of the lesions.

Store acyclovir at room temperature away from moisture and heat.


What happens if I miss a dose?

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take the medicine at the next regularly scheduled time. Do not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose.

What happens if I overdose?

Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine.

Overdose symptoms may include seizure (convulsions), hallucinations, and urinating less than usual or not at all.


What should I avoid?

Herpes infections are contagious and you can infect other people, even while you are being treated with acyclovir. Avoid letting infected areas come into contact with other people. Avoid touching an infected area and then touching your eyes. Wash your hands frequently to prevent passing the infection to others.

Acyclovir will not prevent the spread of genital herpes. Avoid sexual intercourse or use a latex condom to prevent spreading the virus to others.


Acyclovir side effects

Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction to acyclovir: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects:

  • pain in your lower back;

  • urinating less than usual or not at all;

  • easy bruising or bleeding; or

  • unusual weakness.

Less serious acyclovir side effects may include:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, stomach pain;

  • headache, feeling light-headed; or

  • swelling in your hands or feet.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

See also: Side effects (in more detail)


What other drugs will affect acyclovir?

Before taking acyclovir, tell your doctor if you are also taking probenecid (Benemid). If you are using probenecid, you may not be able to use acyclovir, or you may need dosage adjustments or special tests during treatment.

There may be other drugs that can affect acyclovir. Tell your doctor about all the prescription and over-the-counter medications you use. This includes vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and drugs prescribed by other doctors. Do not start using a new medication without telling your doctor.


Where can I get more information?

  • Your pharmacist can provide more information about acyclovir.
  • Remember, keep this and all other medicines out of the reach of children, never share your medicines with others, and use acyclovir only for the indication prescribed.
  • Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided by Cerner Multum, Inc. ('Multum') is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no guarantee is made to that effect. Drug information contained herein may be time sensitive. Multum information has been compiled for use by healthcare practitioners and consumers in the United States and therefore Multum does not warrant that uses outside of the United States are appropriate, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Multum's drug information does not endorse drugs, diagnose patients or recommend therapy. Multum's drug information is an informational resource designed to assist licensed healthcare practitioners in caring for their patients and/or to serve consumers viewing this service as a supplement to, and not a substitute for, the expertise, skill, knowledge and judgment of healthcare practitioners. The absence of a warning for a given drug or drug combination in no way should be construed to indicate that the drug or drug combination is safe, effective or appropriate for any given patient. Multum does not assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of information Multum provides. The information contained herein is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. If you have questions about the drugs you are taking, check with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist. _ Prescription Drug Information, Interactions & Side Effects - Mozilla Firefox 2014-03-12 14.40.31

Confira quais são os oito culpados pela impotência sexual


Por iG São Paulo | 19/04/2014 08:00 - Atualizada às 19/04/2014 08:49


Doenças e hábitos, como diabetes e fumo, estão relacionados à disfunção erétil; saiba como prevenir este problema

Quem não tem medo? A disfunção erétil afeta 40% dos homens com mais de 50 anos e 67% daqueles com idade superior a 70. 

“O surgimento da disfunção erétil tem relação direta com o avançar da idade, porém as causas são multifatoriais”, afirma urologista Marcelo Salim, especializado na área. Saliem explica que impotência sexual é a incapacidade de enrijecimento do pênis, o suficiente para possibilitar a penetração vaginal.

Os vilões da potência, em geral, comprometem a circulação do sangue. O pênis é um órgão muito vascularizado e, com o comprometimento do funcionamento dos vasos sanguíneos, a ereção acaba prejudicada. Controlar as doenças e evitar os fatores de risco são estratégias eficientes para evitar o problema sexual.


Link completo aqui : >>>>>>


iG - Notícias, Vídeos, Famosos, Esportes, Bate Papo, Infográficos 2014-04-20 06-52-23

Unemployment among Doctoral Scientists and Engineers….



Unemployment among Doctoral Scientists and Engineers Increased but....


remained below the national average. - Multimedia Gallery - US National Science Foundation (NSF) - Mozilla Firefox 2014-03-18 17.09.02

How to diagnose and correct common problems


Houseplants pests/diseases


Fertilizing Orchids — How to Feed Your Orchid Collection 2014-04-20 05-20-53

Growing Indoor Orchids


By Jon VanZile

To grow an orchid, you have to think like an orchid.

The golden rule for orchid success is to duplicate the plant's natural conditions as closely as possible. In nature, most orchids are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other objects, clinging to rough bark or even stone. The showy orchids favored by most people are usually either phalaenopsis hybrids (so-called moth orchids) or dendrobium hybrids.

These plants thrive in these conditions:

  • Strong light, but not direct late-afternoon sunlight (although dendrobiums can handle more sun)
  • High humidity
  • Turbulent air flow around the roots
  • Regular periods of drying, alternating with drenching rains
  • Temperatures between 50 degrees and about 85 degrees

The closer you can come to creating these conditions in your growing area, the more success and better blooms you will have.

Most store-bought orchids come packaged in cheap plastic pots with the roots packed in soaked moss. Obviously, this violates two of the main rules of successful growth. There is no air flow around the roots, and the roots are never given a chance to completely dry out. Thus, the plant cannot breathe and root rot is inevitable. Orchid roots are highly specialized organs designed to soak up water very quickly and breathe. They do not extract nutrients from soil.

Repotting for Success

The first step with any store-bought orchid is to enjoy the bloom. Don't attempt to repot a flowering plant.

After the bloom is done, go ahead and cut off the dead flower spike with sterile snippers and repot the plant. Orchids should be potted into specialized orchid pots in orchid mixture. Orchid pots feature wide drainage slits so water will literally run through the pot. They are widely available. Orchid potting mixture is usually composed of several chunky ingredients, including pine bark, charcoal, and even styrofoam.

To repot your orchid, follow these steps:

  1. Remove it from the plastic pot and carefully remove as much of the moss as you can. Healthy roots should be white and firm, with a small green growing point.
  2. Cut away any shriveled, rotten or blackened roots.
  3. Set the plant into the pot and fill in around it with potting mixture. The plant should be firmly situated, but it will not be completely anchored. Eventually, new roots will grow through the potting mixture and attach to the pot itself, thus anchoring your plant.

Once it's repotted, find a good spot. An east facing window with a few hours of mild morning sun is perfect. To provide the necessary humidity and catch run-off water, put the plant into a wide, deep tray and fill the tray with gravel.

Tips for Care

Caring for your orchid is pretty simple. During the summer months, water it weekly and heavily. Let the water drench the roots and fill up the pebble tray (this will provide extra humidity). It doesn't hurt every so often to even put the plant in the kitchen sink and really soak it down. Don't worry, you won't kill it as long as it's allowed to dry out afterward. During the growing season, feed it weekly with a weak solution of a powder or liquid fertilizer. Many growers use Peter’s 20/20/20 fertilizer at quarter strength.

In the winter, keep your plant warm and cut the water back to once a month or so. Mist it every so often to make sure it stays hydrated. Don't fertilize it.

If you see signs of distress, such as yellowing leaves, wrinkled leaves or no blooms, move the plant and keep tweaking your conditions. Once an orchid finds a happy spot, and falls into a routine, the plant should regularly throw out new roots and leaves or canes (depending on the type) and reward you yearly with a beautiful bloom.


Fertilizing Orchids — How to Feed Your Orchid Collection 2014-04-20 05-20-53