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Gizmag takes an initial look at Apple's latest iPod touch (Credit: Will Shanklin/Gizmag) Yesterday Apple released a new iPod touch – the first since 2012 – and we have one of them in-house. Read on for our early impressions. Reviewing an iPod touch in 2015 is a strange proposition. Most people already have smartphones, often with a better camera and bigger screen than you'll find on the new Touch, so there isn't a dire need for a device that's basically a mid-ranged iPhone minus the phone part. But if you have young children who aren't ready to own a phone, or maybe if you have an Android phone but want to play the occasional iOS game or try out Apple Music, then the iPod touch is one of your best bets (in addition to an iPad mini). Looking at the new iPod touch from that perspective, it fits the bill just fine. We've grown used to smartphones with 5-inch and larger screens, so, at first glance, the new iPod touch looks teeny-weeny (it has the same 4-inch display found on the iPhones 5, 5s and 5c). We suppose that's yet another way that it can be a good fit for little hands. It's an incredibly light device – 32 percent lighter than the iPhone 6 (and the same weight as the 5th-generation iPod touch). With no cellular radio to worry about, Apple has always managed to make the iPod touch a light/thin showcase piece. Its build also often serves as a preview for the next-generation iPhone, so perhaps we can look forward to a device that feels this insanely feathery in the iPhone 7. There's no Touch ID, which both looks and feels strange to us. Apple hasn't released a non-Touch ID iOS device since late 2013, so this is clearly a step backwards. It's also a stark reminder that the iPod touch is Apple's lowest-priority mobile device. We confirmed, via the GeekBench app, that the new Touch has 1 GB of RAM, and its Apple A8 system-on-a-chip is clocked at 1.13 GHz (that's about 19 percent slower than the iPhone 6's clock speed, using the same processor): The Touch doesn't feel slow at all though; it's plenty zippy for everything we've thrown at it so far. And an A8-running iPod touch is an enormous step forward from the Apple A5 chip found in its predecessor (the A5 was a 2011 chip, already a year and a half old when the last Touch released). We'll have more on camera quality and battery life in our full review, but the early pics we've snapped have looked about like we'd expect: good, but trailing noticeably behind the best 2014-15 smartphone cameras. Expect iPhone 5/5c types of shots (and with identical specs, this could potentially be the same camera found in those two). You probably don't need an iPod touch in 2015, but if you're a parent or another person who does find the need, then the 6th-generation model looks like a solid upgrade. It's a significant downgrade from the latest iPhones, but that's always been the case with the Touch. For a Wi-Fi only portable media player, it does what it needs to do – no more, no less. The new 6th-generation iPod touch is available now, starting at US$200. Product page: Apple
Just because you can't taste it doesn't mean belly-bloating sodium isn't there. Here's how to spot the salt that's hiding in your diet.
Credit: Getty Images 1 of 15 Surprisingly salty foodsby Jessica Girdwain You already know snack foods like chips, crackers, and pretzels pack a lot of salt. But even if you don't eat those, you may be on a high-sodium diet without realizing it. Many foods you wouldn't expect are swimming in salt, including bagels, cereals, and even cottage cheese, says LeeAnn Smith Weintraub, MPH, RD, a nutrition consultant in Culver City, Calif. Most people should stick to less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day (those with high blood pressure should limit it 1,500 mg). Read on for 13 sneaky sources of salt to watch for. Next: Sauces
Communication by Marzena Bielecka If you’ve asked yourself how to become a happier person, this is already a very good sign. Happiness is not something that happens to us by chance. Being happy is an achievable and learnable skill, which requires constant work on your attitude and depends on how you interpret your life situation. Happiness is largely a matter of choice. And it is probably the smartest life choice you can make. Recent studies show that happy people are 35% less likely to die early than unhappy ones! So, what do you need to remember if you want to be truly happy? 1. Never dwell on the past
Your past is just a story. Everyone has a past – often full of pain, disappointment, missed opportunities, and unfulfilled expectations. No matter what your past looks like, it’s just a story – so don’t let it influence you. Make the present meaningful. 2. Never focus on what’s missing; look at what you actually have.
Be grateful for what you have. You could waste hours counting the things you would like to improve, which would only take you away from appreciating your real life. Gratitude puts situations into perspective and rewires your mind toward a positive direction. 3. Never underestimate quality time with yourself.
Don’t confuse happiness with excitement; a lasting joy of life grows when your mind is in peace. Making time for yourself is as important as devoting time to your everyday duties. Regular meditation, sport, contact with nature, and quality (offline) time spent reading will help you reconnect with yourself and hear your intuition again. 4. Never stop improving yourself.
We are all different, and there is no perfect direction or path to our personal evolution. The whole point is to become the best version of YOU, and never stop taking lessons from your own life experiences. 5. Never be too harsh on yourself.
Many of us are our own hardest critics, constantly diminishing every success. Accept that you will never be ideal – and see this as okay. In the process of self-development, embracing your own vulnerabilities has been scientifically proven to be a key component of happiness. 6. Never lose a sense of purpose in what you are doing.
Your time and life power are limited, so spend them wisely and target your energy towards something meaningful. Finding a purpose helps you live a bigger life. 7. Never treat your body badly.
A truly happy soul can only live in a healthy body. Your body will “send you a bill” for the trash you’ve eaten, the sports classes you’ve skipped, your long nights of partying, and your long hours of stressful work. Treat your body as your biggest investment; it will have to serve you your entire life. 8. Never value material things more than experiences.
Experiences bring people more happiness than possessions, which never keep you satisfied. Experiences will last in your head forever, nourish your mind, and become a memory which will light up your face with a smile on a bad day. 9. Never compare yourself to other people.
Everyone lives life at a different pace, which makes us each special and beautiful. The sooner you embrace your uniqueness and the differences between you and other people, the happier you will be. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you for who you really are without trying to change you or reframe you. 10. Never let your bad thoughts grow.
Being judgmental, jealous, or angry will at some point turn against you. A bad thought can trigger bad speech, just as bad words provoke bad actions. Don’t let your mind initiate anything you’d be ashamed of later. 11. Never fear to embrace change.
As you accept the laws which change our life, our bodies, and the way we evolve, you will see the unique beauty of every moment in life with all its natural flow. Be open to new opportunities and humbly accept changes you can’t influence. 12. Never blame others for your own failures.
Be responsible for your actions and their outcomes. Taking responsibility gives you a sense of power over your life; blaming your life on circumstances can make you feel powerless. 13. Never tame your curiosity.
Be curious and ask a lot of questions. Travel, observe, read, watch, and talk with smart people to open your mind and explore the world. Inquisitive thinking and a passion for exploring will nourish your mind. 14. Never stop being mindful.
Learn to mindfully observe, smell, hear, and fully appreciate every minute of your life. Those who can’t conscientiously notice and appreciate the present moment aren’t able to be fully happy. 15. Never forget about your loved ones.
Care about those who are happy to see you succeed in life and support you in difficult times. Avoid harsh critiques and make sure these people know how glad you are that they’re a part of your life. 16. Never worry about the things you cannot influence.
How many times has a situation you’ve worried about not come true? Worrying about things you can’t influence is a waste of time and makes you feel unnecessarily miserable. 17. Never attach happiness to something in the future.
Many people live like they’re waiting for something – to find a perfect love partner, to get promoted, or to retire with a good pension. Don’t postpone your happiness to a moment in the future; life is all about enjoying the journey. 18. Never stop meeting new people.
Surrounding yourself with happy people makes you happier. Meeting new people nowadays is easy, due to open lifestyles, new technologies, internet forums, popular mobile apps. It would be a waste to not make the most of this opportunity. Even people who enter your life for a short time can teach you important lessons and make your life more colorful. 19. Never let your ego win.
Acting with anger and following your insecurities can only complicate your life situation. Instead, act with compassion and humility towards others. Showing maturity will make your relations with others more joyful and fulfilling. 20. Never voluntary harm.
Every choice you make, every word you say, and every purchase you make impacts someone’s life. Choose to be a good person. 21. Never stop living life to the fullest.
Live intensely. Do what you want and enjoy it with all your senses. Start working on fulfilling your dreams as soon as possible. “Hug harder. Laugh louder. Smile bigger. Love longer.” 22. Never forget to smile.
You don’t know what the person in front of you is going through. Be kind to others and share your smiles and positive words. Isn’t it amazing to make someone’s day a little better in such a simple way? 23. Never be afraid to completely change your life.
It is never too late to completely change your life and make it more meaningful. Let your mind be free and surprise you from time to time. Go with the flow and open yourself up to different possibilities. 24. Never be afraid of being alone.
Don’t be afraid of being alone. Happiness is internal, and you don’t need anyone or anything to be happy. Learn to have fun on your own: walk, travel, eat good food, etc. Being alone doesn’t mean to you have to be lonely. Look at monks for example – being happy in solitude is a virtue. 25. Never stop organizing your own happiness.
Happiness appears where dreams meet preparation. Make a conscious everyday effort to shape yourself and your life the way you want. 26. Never stop loving.
True love doesn’t lose value over time; it multiplies and comes back to you the more you give it away. The meaning of our whole existence would be much simpler if love meant only romantic love. Love everyone who you think deserves and needs your love. Love the Earth and the people who have helped you become who you are. Love your own life.
Marzena Bielecka is a Berlin-based writer and travel addict. She has visited over 50 countries and traveled thousands of kilometers just to see how people live there. During her free time, she likes to lie on the grass and look up at the sky. She also writes for Wingman Magazine.
Quem pensava que a missão da New Horizons seria tediosa (e muitos pensavam assim) se enganou.Imagem mostra superfície de Plutão feita pela New Horizons (Foto: Nasa TV/Divulgação) "Eu pensava que esta missão poderia terminar como uma das mais chatas do mundo, e que Plutão acabaria sendo como nossa Lua ou Mercúrio, um planeta cheio de crateras em que nada acontece", afirmou à BBC Nigel Henbest, astrônomo britânico da Universidade de Leicester e conhecido divulgador científico. "Ficamos todos de queixo caído com o que vimos, toda a atividade nesses mundos (Plutão e suas luas), mas ainda não temos ideia do que está realmente ocorrendo ali." A região em forma de coração é chamada de Região de Tombaugh, em homenagem ao descobridor do planeta anão Henbest fala com paixão sobre a paisagem de montanhas geladas, sem crateras e com evidências de processos geológicos encontrada no planeta anão nos confins do Sistema Solar. Sua surpresa é compartilhada pelo restante da comunidade científica que, graças à sonda New Horizons da Nasa (agência espacial americana) que sobrevoou Plutão em 14 de julho, pode, pela primeira vez, conferir imagens em alta resolução do planeta. A geografia dinâmica e variada revelada pelas imagens muda a perspectiva que tínhamos sobre esse corpo celeste desde seu descobrimento, há 85 anos. E essas informações também podem trazer respostas sobre como se formam os planetas e, inclusive, sobre as origens de alguns elementos fundamentais da vida. Altas como os Alpes
Imagem feita pela New Horizons mostra Caronte, uma das luas de Plutão (Foto: Nasa TV/Divulgação) As imagens mostram montanhas nos extremos da região que tem forma de coração – batizada informalmente como Região de Tombaugh, em homenagem ao descobridor de Plutão, Clyde Tombaugh – com cerca de 3.300 metros, altitude superior à dos Alpes na Europa ou à das Montanhas Rochosas no oeste dos Estados Unidos. "E pode ser que existam montanhas mais altas em outra parte", explica John Spencer, um dos pesquisadores da missão. Segundo Spencer, a capa relativamente fina de metano, monóxido de carbono e nitrogênio congelado que cobre a superfície do planeta anão é forte o suficiente para formar montanhas. Por isso os cientistas acreditam que elas se formaram com a água congelada do subsolo, já que o gelo se comporta como rocha sob as temperaturas gélidas de Plutão. Curiosamente, as observações feitas do planeta desde a Terra não haviam detectado sinais de água gelada. Essa teoria poderá ser corroborada pelas medições feitas por sete equipamentos a bordo da New Horizons, cujos resultados irão chegar ao centro de controle de Maryland (EUA) nos próximos 16 meses. "Podemos estar certos de que existe água em abundância", avalia de antemão Alan Stern, chefe da missão. Ausência de crateras As crateras permitem aos astrônomos determinar a idade de uma superfície: se é muito antiga terá marcas deixadas por impactos de colisões e se for mais nova será mais lisa, já que a formação recente apaga as impressões anteriores. As novas imagens, apontou Stern, mostram um terreno que parece ter passado por processos vulcânicos ocorridos nos últimos 100 milhões de anos. Isso implicaria numa idade extremamente jovem para a superfície, se considerarmos que o Sistema Solar tem 4,5 bilhões de anos. Tal atividade geológica demanda alguma fonte de calor. Isso foi visto antes apenas em luas congeladas, onde tais processos se explicam pelas "marés de calor" causadas por interações gravitacionais com o planeta mais próximo. "Marés de calor não são imprescindíveis para gerar calor geológico em corpos congelados. Essa foi uma descoberta importante que fizemos nesta semana", afirmou Spencer. Mais gelo e menos rocha Isso quer dizer que Plutão tem mais gelo e menos rochas abaixo de sua superfície do que se pensava. A falta de precisão na medição de Plutão desde a Terra ocorre porque, em primeiro lugar, o corpo celeste está muito longe daqui (4,8 bilhões de km). E também porque sua atmosfera cria reflexos capazes de confundir o telescópio terrestre mais avançado. E existe neve no planeta gelado? Os sensores da New Horizons detectaram que a fina atmosfera de nitrogênio se estende até o espaço, e pesquisadores acreditam que ela possa gerar flocos que atinjam a superfície antes de evaporar na atmosfera. Caronte "Pensava que Caronte poderia ter um terreno antigo coberto de crateras… mas ficamos boquiabertos quando vimos a nova imagem", explicou Cathy Olkin, cientista da missão, citando uma cadeia de desfiladeiros de 800 km. Até agora os pesquisadores contam apenas com uma parte ínfima dos dados que a sonda já recolheu. Certamente, ao longo desses 16 meses em que toda a informação será enviada, continuaremos a ser presenteados com surpresas e imagens maravilhosas. Fonte :
You can eat a ton of veggies and still not get enough vitamin B12. Here are the risks, symptoms, and ways to treat a deficiency.
Credit: Getty Images 1 of 23 The energy vitaminby Esther Crain Vitamin B12 is a powerhouse. It helps make DNA, nerve and blood cells, and is crucial for a healthy brain and immune system. Your metabolism wouldn't run smoothly without it. But B12 isn't like other vitamins. It's only found in animal products like eggs, meat, shellfish, and dairy. Up to 15% of people don't get enough B12, and they're more likely to be vegetarians, have celiac disease or other digestion problems, or be an adult over 50. The signs of vitamin B12 deficiency include exhaustion, rapid heartbeat, brain fog, and other symptoms, says Maggie Moon, RD, a Los Angeles–based nutritionist and owner of Everyday Healthy Eating. Read on to find out more about the causes, symptoms, and cures for a vitamin B12 deficiency. Next: Vegetarians and vegans are at risk
Posted: 16 Jul 2015 12:00 PM PDT
Le studio de design Anton & Irene, basé à Brooklyn, composé d’Anton Repponen et d’Irene Pereyra, avait imaginé et dessiné, il y a cinq ans, le concept de la OZO Watch. En 2010, le projet a remporté le Red Dot Design Award. A la suite de nombreuses sollicitations les deux designers ont donc décidé de produire le modèle eux-mêmes.
La montre, simple et minimaliste, est faite de deux disques rotatifs, le premier renseignant les heures et le second les minutes. L’heure est ensuite indiquée au sein d’un petit sablier noir.
Posted: 16 Jul 2015 11:03 PM PDT
La talentueuse Alya Galinovskaya (aka Mimi Brune) partage quotidiennement des natures mortes capturées avec son iPhone, via son compte Instagram. On y voit essentiellement des plats soigneusement disposés mais aussi des fleurs fraichement cueillies ; toujours avec une lumière tamisée de fin de journée. Ses photos rappellent les détails de Caravaggio ou certaines oeuvres de peintres hollandais.