domingo, 17 de maio de 2015

The Difference between Dark Matter and Dark Energy




The phenomenal expansion of our universe continues to unfold its evident scenario brought about by the vast improvement of astrophysics. Have you ever imagined the kind of gravitational forces present in space millions of light years away from us? Two of the greatest hypothetical components of cosmology contribute to the persevering efforts of our astronomers will be discussed. These are dark matter and dark energy.

For some reasons, astrophysics researchers give comparative facts and analysis between these two. Dark matter can be associated to a hypothetical matter (in different states) or particles present in space. Dark energy is accounted with presence of unknown energies of gravitational forces which can produce immeasurable movements of mass structures formed in dark matter. Dark energy is also believed to be a captivating phenomenon exists by gravitational a force (potential or moving energy) which causes the universe to expand. Both of them may differ from cosmic field contents, low-energy field, and cosmological constant and vacuum energy in the universe.

There are distinct comparative elements between dark matter and dark energy to differentiate them.

First is the nature of their components. Dark matter are believed to be made up of matters (either seen or unseen) in various astronomical forms such as dust, ions, dense particles and radioactive elements. Dark energy on the other hand constitutes positive and negative pressures found in the universe causing mass formation of dark matter to move continuously. However, these forces are only attributed from mass calculations made from measurements of distances on astronomical objects.

Second, theories of gravitational forces also contribute to the difference between the two. According to cosmological theorists, dark energy possesses a faster rate of pushing the universe on filling up those spaces or pushes out universe’s expanded spaces while dark matter on the other hand pull itself closer by gravity and then disappears for unknown reason.

Third is the composition of dark matter and dark energy in the universe. Dark energy is estimated to have 68% of the universe, 27% dark matter and the rest are normal matter, which can be measured by observation tools ( Fourth are the theories of space between dark matter and dark energy. Dark energy has its own property of space and the presence of energy is also found on that particular property. For other observers on this matter, an empty space in the universe has its own property as well according to Albert Einstein’s theories on spaces. He believed that any space is not nothing at all. That empty space which we may refer as non-existence has its own energy. While there is presence of force on every space, dark matter can build its own structure which later on can be identified as an object in space. The expansion rate of the universe continues to accelerate as some of them can be compared with redshifts of galaxies, clustering of astronomical bodies and “blowing up” of mass structures in space.

However, at this point, these two hypothetical phenomenon of universe’s expansion remains to be a mystery. Though images of satellites, clusters of stars and formation of hot gases are evident, these facts continue to drive the determination of astrophysics’ to discover beyond our universe’s extent.

To summarize the difference between dark matter and dark energy, these key points are stated below:

1. Both of them has its own nature of their components such as gravitational forces, expansion rate and others
2. The difference on spaces they occupy or move in space
3. The sequence of movements which contributes to the acceleration of expansion in the universe
4. The strength of forces surrounding both dark matter and dark energy

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